Thursday, May 24, 2018

Track Meet

The best kids from 7 different Intermediate schools competed in a track meet.  Shane qualified for the high jump and some running events but only wanted to do the high jump
Shane said that his legs didn't feel like jumping that day, but he still did awesome

 He beat his old record, jumped 5'3" and got 3rd Place!  He was 1st, in the white boy category
 Proud of you Shane-O

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Shane has some new teammates on his team and it's made a huge different on the speed of the game. It also allows Shane to play better and more confident
 1st place

Monday, May 21, 2018

Handball Competition

Every year all the elementary schools have a handball competition.  The winner from each school goes to play the winners from all the others schools.  Hailey won at Rancho Vista, she was shocked
The PE teachers get Burger King Crowns for the winners
Rancho Vista 5th Grade Champion

7 elementary school had their best 5th graders come compete
 In the finals, Hailey and Halah who are on the same soccer team and have the same nickname, Hai
Reese coming to congratulate Hai Butt, she won the whole thing
 Hai's cheering section, one of us was very vocal, you can guess who
Girls 5th Grade Handball Champion for the entire Peninsula!  Way to go Hai

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


6th Annual Mother's day camping trip.  The kids got so excited that they wanted to leave at 5am Friday morning, so we did.  Setting up the tent at 7am, we brought Aidan, again.  We had the boys stay in their own tent
We found lots of driftwood, it kept the fire going

Our entire group at the tidepools
 This is what a group of kids with no electronics looks like, still happy
 missing a few dads back at camp
Our favorite ball game at the beach
 Hailey and Nicolette, still the best of buds

 Carne Asada time
 Little Max is the hit
 Shane and Angelina have known each other since birth
 Mother's Day morning, a little damp but off to breakfast
 We are a funny group that laugh a lot, the kids even like listening to us
 The weekend is full of games that everyone plays, kickball, volleyball, hot potato, slack line, guesstures, corn hole, badminton and whatever the games is pictured
 31 of us together again, lots of great memories

Monday, May 14, 2018

Pre Mother's Day

Early Mother's day celebration, Bellini's, HQ and Thai
Papu celebrated Mother's Day with the LAFC

Monday, May 7, 2018


My favorite tennis partner Makiko, the only problem, she lives in Tokyo and commutes out here to play

My teammates always up to fun.  We like to over-react when someone gets hit with the ball
Division 1 Champions

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Opening Day for the LAFC, such an exciting day.  We got season tickets.  LAFC didn't score until the last minute of the game to win 1-0.  Everyone went crazy, it was so fun!  Can't wait till the next game
 Will Ferrell, one of the owners of the team releasing the team's mascot, Peregrine Falcon into the stadium

This stadium is magic